20-06-2007 16:08:57
Havent been on inawhile, and noticed alot of new sites out there, Im open to many of them for obopay, I dont accept paypal, so if you use obopay and need some sites done feel free to pm me.
UPDATE If your gonna Pm me with a tr of 2 and tell me u only pay on green, dont bother pming me I follow the TR rules
20-06-2007 16:55:49
I can pay you $25 on green via Obopay. I already have an account.
Hope to work with you.
20-06-2007 18:02:14
$45 for An extra $5 if finished within 24 hours?
20-06-2007 20:37:48
I have several sites to choose from.
I pay on green plus add karma.
I'm very easy to work with and would love to set up a trade with you!
gifts.moneybonazas $40
cash.moneybonazas $20
nanoipod4free $35
customorderthis $20
giftmonkey $12 per point
zeropricetags $20- super easy-quick money site!!!
I've already have a Obopay account.
Let me know if you'd like to set up a trade
23-06-2007 11:06:03
$20 dollars for cash.zeropricetags via obopay pm me if intrested
23-06-2007 11:16:49
$35.. 80.macrbucks.. on green... p/m me...
24-06-2007 10:06:36
First let me start with thanking you for reading my post, Thanks! If you would like to complete any of my offers please pm me. I am willing to work with anybody who actually intends to finish a trade once it is accepted. Newbies are more than welcome, I would love to work with each and every one of you. Also a bonus for anyone who completes more than one site for me! My TR 36+ and rising!!
Paypal.ogf=35.00(on green)
Something4nothing=35.00(on green)
Money.whypayitsfree=20.00(on green) lots & lots of cheap offers green)
cash.zeropricetags=20.00(on green)
Gifts.zeropricetags=20.00(on green)
phones.zeropricetags=20.00(on green)
Allforone.ygf=40.00(on green)
The azn...sites are the easiest and fastest crediting sites I have ever worked on (Zeropricetags sites also fall into this category) and they have tons of free and cheap offers!
Aznfreestuff=20.00(on green)
Azngiftcards=20.00(on green)
Aznfreecash=20.00(on green)
Aznfreephones=20.00(on green)
Or I will pay 45.00 for completeing any 2 of the azn... or zeropricetags sites!
Candy.ogf=20.00(on green)
Ipods.ogf=20.00(on green)
Xbox.ogf=20.00(on green)
College.ygf=20.00(on green)
Paypal.paypirate=20.00(on green)
40macrobucks=15.00(on green)
80macrobucks=30.00(on green)
I also have a few no credit card sites
Nocc.ogf=5.00(on green)
Aznnocc=5.00(on green)
Entertainment.free4everyone=5.00(on green)
I always pay instantly on green!!!!
I also am totally willing to help anybody that is new to learn to go GREEN FAST!! So please pm me if you would like to set up a trade and make some cash! you can verify my TR by clicking this link!! http//
24-06-2007 12:23:28
Can you do allforone.yourgiftsfree ? I pay $50 on green
24-06-2007 16:53:43
A payment system similiar to paypal
07-07-2007 08:07:15
You have the potential to make allot of money with me, in fact, over $300.00. I am an honest and sincere trader. I will work with anyone who is willing to follow through with a trade from start to finish (it saves both of us time). If you are new, I will help you every step of the way.
Check out the sites I’m working on and post on my thread if you are interested
I wish you the best!
10-07-2007 18:19:56
Look at my trade thread! I will pay first!
10-07-2007 22:48:37
I will pay $25 first for you to do for me. Let me know if you are interested.
12-07-2007 15:35:52
Can you do any of the sites in my signature? PM me if interested!!