16-02-2005 15:18:48
[quote1ab37d7a36][1812] K i Z m E t 86 Hello Are you there?
[1812] my SN yes
[1813] K i Z m E t 86 u have aphoto ipod account
[1813] my SN yeo
[1813] my SN yep
[1813] K i Z m E t 86 how many green
[1813] my SN dude you just aimed me
[1814] my SN from a different account
[1814] my SN I don't have any greens
[1814] my SN I signed up for a buddy and don't plan to complete it
[1814] my SN nor am I going ot sign up again
[1814] K i Z m E t 86 can i have your account
[1814] my SN why would you want my account?
[1815] K i Z m E t 86 just want it
[1815] my SN yeah
[1815] my SN sure
[1815] my SN what do I get out of it?
[1815] K i Z m E t 86 what u want
[1815] K i Z m E t 86 gmail
[1815] my SN how about $50
[1815] my SN I have 300 gmail invites
[1816] K i Z m E t 86 wow
[1816] K i Z m E t 86 u have to give me the account first for 50 bucks
[1816] my SN dude let's be honest
[1816] my SN you're not going to give me $50
[1816] my SN and I'm not going to give you my account
[1816] K i Z m E t 86 ill give u 5
[1817] my SN it's the same email address I use for all of my gratis and OC sites
[1817] K i Z m E t 86 ill change the email
[1817] my SN I'm not going to risk you frauding someone or them
[1817] my SN for $5 let alone $50
[1817] K i Z m E t 86 kiss my ass bitch
[1817] my SN I've been doing Gratis sites since 10/03[/quote1ab37d7a36]
Same guy AIMd me minutes before from a different account too. This is only place I've ever posted my AIM SN.
16-02-2005 15:23:28
ha, I got the same ims from that name and the other name was like blackthug something or other. The first time was he wanted to trade my freeipods account for their freeflatscreens account. I told him that was the stupidest idea and why would I want to do that.
Then I get the im about the photo ipods
What a loser
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, it's scary how many self-centered, immature people there are in this world. Why can't you just get your goddamn free stuff the RIGHT way and stop screwing it up for everyone else? Why can't you be honest with someone if you're going to set up a trade? Why isn't one FREE $300 item enough for you? You should be on your knees, thanking the universe that such an opportunity exists. Why must you try and break the rules to get more than your fare share? And why must you try and screw other innocent people over in the process?
My GOD it's starting to piss me off. Why are people so pathetic?
I'm sorry, I just had to vent. These people make me so mad. And it erodes my faith in the human race. That, and I think I'm PMSing )
thomas moore
16-02-2005 16:32:23
[quote26ce81bb8d="Retro"]ha, I got the same ims from that name and the other name was like blackthug something or other. The first time was he wanted to trade my freeipods account for their freeflatscreens account. I told him that was the stupidest idea and why would I want to do that.
Then I get the im about the photo ipods
What a loser[/quote26ce81bb8d]
black thug shock ha! he IMed me also! loser..
16-02-2005 17:01:49
[quote4c14045379="thomas moore"][quote4c14045379="Retro"]ha, I got the same ims from that name and the other name was like blackthug something or other. The first time was he wanted to trade my freeipods account for their freeflatscreens account. I told him that was the stupidest idea and why would I want to do that.
Then I get the im about the photo ipods
What a loser[/quote4c14045379]
black thug shock ha! he IMed me also! loser..[/quote4c14045379]
me too.
16-02-2005 18:03:58
He IM'd me at one point as well. If some people put as much time into legitimately acquiring referrals as they did trying to scam people....
16-02-2005 18:48:40
ROFL same guy blackthug871 or something of the sort AIMd me yesterday asking if i had a freephotoipods account. He said he was registered on these forums, said his forum name was blackthug771 and I looked and no matches. Then I asked him to PM me and he wouldnt. Gotta take the right precautions D
16-02-2005 18:52:23
yeah he pmed me to and i told him i that i already finsihed i asked him who he was on the forum he said it didnt matter so i blocked him