Cameras4free Referrals Wanted!!!!
16-02-2005 09:20:31
I need a digital camera badly....I have done all gratis sites except freehandbags, the only OC sites ive done are MP3, Notebook, and Cameras i am open for everything else. And i have done tech4free and autotech4free. Please dont PM me just post to this thread i get to many pm's as it is. Also i will not go first on a trade if you want to trade with me you must go first, go green then i will sign up and complete an offer for you.
17-02-2005 12:06:45
So nobody wants to help me out (
17-02-2005 12:17:28
sry for the pm, i can do digital cameras if you can do ipodshuffle on gratis
17-02-2005 12:21:38
its cool i replied back to u, that will work for me but i wont sign up under your link till u go green
17-02-2005 12:30:08
List offers i can do updated
Mr Sofa Sets
17-02-2005 13:39:40
I can sign up for cameras4free under you if you sign up for PVPs4free under me.
[b660523dd40][u660523dd40] ! ...You would be my 12th referral..... ! [/u660523dd40][/b660523dd40]
Added 2-22-05 (226pm EST)
[b660523dd40]Stroid and I have completed a trade. Thank you.[/color660523dd40][/b660523dd40]
22-02-2005 11:04:18
Still need 3 more who wants to help the mod out D ! I cant do many sites but maybe we can work something out. AIM me or PM me.
22-02-2005 11:05:02
Or if you just wanna help me that would be great to D D D
22-02-2005 11:42:55
Hey man, I can sign up for you on Cameras4Free. If you could find someone for me that would be interested in FreeMiniMac's. I know its a weird offer but figured i'd throw it out there for ya. Let me know via PM
-Thanks, Good Luck Regardless
22-02-2005 13:54:52
Could you do ds4free, pctech4free, or dvrsfree? Any of them would be great.
22-02-2005 14:09:42
pctech and possible ds4free i must check with CG to see if he still needed that before i could commit to it
22-02-2005 14:19:17
Alright. I dunno if I'll NEED ds4free btw, it's just I went green for a guy on Sunday morning and he hasn't signed up under me or replied to my messages. (Not you joelcomp, I only sent out that email yesterday and you've been responsive.)
22-02-2005 14:22:16
well if you wanna do pctech we can trade but you must green first.
22-02-2005 14:31:46
That's cool, just send me off a PM, email (jvhurst[at] or AIM with the URL.
22-02-2005 14:50:34
stroids remember what i told you a while ago
22-02-2005 16:33:05
Ok i only need 1 more who wants to help me out!!! D
22-02-2005 20:22:01
Ill do cameras4free for freehandbags
22-02-2005 20:55:14
Wanna do My for your cameras4free?
22-02-2005 21:35:28
Crynos ive done handbags and nixnamz i got my mp3 iPod yesterday..Also i already got 7 tonight thanks everybody
23-02-2005 13:10:25
Thanks everbody i am 6/7 and my last yellow should go green within the next few days (petchews usually takes a while) and those people i did trades with i will sign up for your sites tonight