Plz Help a recovering addict!! AznFreeStuff $20 on green!!

Live forum:


05-06-2007 11:58:52

Please help guys!!!! I'm a recovering crack addict who is trying to stay clean. I've been selling magazine subscriptions door to door for the past few months trying to make enough money to stay off the streets, but alot of internet sites are taking all of our business. By the grace of god I had a generous young man purchase 40 subscriptions to vibe last week but that money won't last much longer. Please Help!!!!!!!

AznFreeStuff - $15 on green +$5 if green within 24hrs

Heres a list of their offers http//

http//[" alt=""/img545827050b]


06-06-2007 16:11:06



07-06-2007 14:21:37
