Scammer? or Not? YOU TELL ME!

Live forum:


14-02-2005 20:33:26

Ok heres the story, a few days ago this guy and we traded referrals. Everything seemed to go great.

that was untill my roomate irl received this im from the same guy. (we have no idea how he got my roomates AIM sn by the way)

To understand the convo.........1) JrFiReBiRd16 did a FFS Signup for me, and 2) i was in my room talking with roomate and JrFiReBiRd16 at the same time.
ROOMATES CONVO[/bb82f3214cb][/ub82f3214cb]
JrFiReBiRd16 u want to trade referrals
JrFiReBiRd16 ????
JrFiReBiRd16 signed off at 110042 PM.
JrFiReBiRd16 signed on at 110420 PM.
JrFiReBiRd16 hey
JrFiReBiRd16 ?
JrFiReBiRd16 u there
Rancid1845 hey
Rancid1845 who is this
JrFiReBiRd16 do u want to trade referrals
Rancid1845 whered u get my sn from
JrFiReBiRd16 forum
Rancid1845 what forum
JrFiReBiRd16 freeipodguide forum
Rancid1845 i dont post there
Rancid1845 whered you really get my sn
JrFiReBiRd16 im not sure
JrFiReBiRd16 i just added people who wanted trades
JrFiReBiRd16 do u wanna trade tho?
Rancid1845 gotany people who i can talk to that uve traded with already?
Rancid1845 and whatsyour name on freeipodguide
JrFiReBiRd16 stev310
JrFiReBiRd16 ya
JrFiReBiRd16 i do
JrFiReBiRd16 i trade screenshots during trade proving signups
Rancid1845 ewhats your forum name
JrFiReBiRd16 stev310
Rancid1845 o ok
JrFiReBiRd16 simple question man
JrFiReBiRd16 if not its totally cool
JrFiReBiRd16 i will not scam u
Rancid1845 im just wondering how u got this sn
JrFiReBiRd16 from some forum dont freak out lol i just added a bunch
Rancid1845 well i wanna know what forum....cuz i never use this SN
Rancid1845 i post under a diff name
Rancid1845 infact this is my backup sn
JrFiReBiRd16 weird man
JrFiReBiRd16 i have no clue
Rancid1845 hr
Rancid1845 hrm
Rancid1845 ok howabout this
JrFiReBiRd16 ya?
Rancid1845 the only way ill signup is if u signup under me first and sendme screenshot or email
JrFiReBiRd16 can i trust u
Rancid1845 yeh
JrFiReBiRd16 ok man what site u need
JrFiReBiRd16 u swear u wont scam me
Rancid1845 dude u imed me
JrFiReBiRd16 ok
JrFiReBiRd16 what site u need
Rancid1845 lemme get the link
Rancid1845 well first.....what site do you need referrals at?
JrFiReBiRd16 oddtech4free
Rancid1845 k i can do that one have you done autotech4freeyet?
JrFiReBiRd16 nope
Rancid1845 have you done desktoppc yet?
JrFiReBiRd16 yes
Rancid1845 damn
JrFiReBiRd16 ill do autotech 4 u
Rancid1845 dont
JrFiReBiRd16 finished that one
Rancid1845 k
Rancid1845 hrmm
JrFiReBiRd16 i will do autotech hapily
Rancid1845 wich flatscreen did you receive
Rancid1845 ?
Rancid1845 i want the samsung monitor
Rancid1845 ?
JrFiReBiRd16 the samsung
JrFiReBiRd16 17
Rancid1845 u got it already?
JrFiReBiRd16 shipping
Rancid1845 oh its nice
JrFiReBiRd16 i didnt really finish it
JrFiReBiRd16 only did my own offer
Rancid1845 yeh no shit
Rancid1845 Lunarpancake = my roomate irl
Rancid1845 looks like u fucked this scam up
JrFiReBiRd16 no man
JrFiReBiRd16 just wanted u to think i was good trader
JrFiReBiRd16 which i am
JrFiReBiRd16 i guarentee hell have a green in a few days

[ub82f3214cb][bb82f3214cb]MY CONVO[/bb82f3214cb]
JrFiReBiRd16 u wanna trade real fast i need 1 more ahh
LunarPancake cant
LunarPancake i wanna wait till u turn green
JrFiReBiRd16 ok man
JrFiReBiRd16 i swear to god u will
JrFiReBiRd16 i have to cancel that thing in 10 days...
JrFiReBiRd16 how do i get my giftcard
LunarPancake they will email u somethin....u go to the link
LunarPancake type in ur info..and addy
LunarPancake and they mail to you
LunarPancake atleast thats how i got my walkie talkies from em
JrFiReBiRd16 nice
JrFiReBiRd16 u sure u dont wanna trade....i wanna get my psp in line for shipping pleaseeee 1 away
LunarPancake not untill u turn green sry
JrFiReBiRd16 ok ok
JrFiReBiRd16 u dont believe i signed up?
LunarPancake dunno
LunarPancake what psp site are u doin
JrFiReBiRd16 oddtech4free
JrFiReBiRd16 its a good one
LunarPancake already doin it
LunarPancake sry
JrFiReBiRd16 damn
JrFiReBiRd16 how many u got?
LunarPancake 0
LunarPancake havent started it really
JrFiReBiRd16 oo
LunarPancake what site did u do for me again?
JrFiReBiRd16 flatscreens
JrFiReBiRd16 for u
LunarPancake tru
LunarPancake k well im gunna be afk
JrFiReBiRd16 ok
LunarPancake so why u scammin ppl
JrFiReBiRd16 what?
LunarPancake and dont lie to me
JrFiReBiRd16 i havent scammed one person
JrFiReBiRd16 i use a web certificate
JrFiReBiRd16 and have so many offers going
LunarPancake yet you have 2 freeflatscreens accts?
LunarPancake or more
JrFiReBiRd16 no i dont
JrFiReBiRd16 no i do not
LunarPancake not what my friend says
LunarPancake he says u told him ur shipped
JrFiReBiRd16 i was kiddin
LunarPancake yet u just signed up for me
JrFiReBiRd16 i signed up for u
JrFiReBiRd16 first time
LunarPancake thatsfucked not doin any referrals for you unless u turn green AND verify when im ready to order
JrFiReBiRd16 i signed up for u and only u i swear...just want him to know im legit
JrFiReBiRd16 i guarentee i will be green
JrFiReBiRd16 i guaren damn tee it
LunarPancake ill speak with the gratis rep whos email i have from when my ipod got shipped to wrong addy
JrFiReBiRd16 i swear on my life
JrFiReBiRd16 i have creditcard info
JrFiReBiRd16 and emailed gratis checking if my accounts were ok
LunarPancake ok gunna talk to him, and he'll tell me wuts up. Then i WILL wait till u turn green AND get accepted when im ready to order. before i do anymore offers for you
LunarPancake im also gunna post both cconvos on freeipodguide .comurl==http://=http:///url
JrFiReBiRd16 dude
JrFiReBiRd16 wait till u turn green
JrFiReBiRd16 if u dont then post all u want
LunarPancake green means nothing, its if you verify
LunarPancake green means u just did a 1$ or freeoffer
JrFiReBiRd16 then talk to gratis
LunarPancake wich compared to getting a 300$ item for free means nothing
LunarPancake for my acct i lost 5 people that way
LunarPancake posting.
JrFiReBiRd16 dude ur an asshole
JrFiReBiRd16 email them first
JrFiReBiRd16 i do not have more than one account
JrFiReBiRd16 that was the first time i saw that account
LunarPancake ok well ill findout soon enuf
JrFiReBiRd16 email them now
JrFiReBiRd16 i guarentee im clear
JrFiReBiRd16 guarentee it
JrFiReBiRd16 it is wront to post this until you find out the facts
LunarPancake well iwanna findout if anyone else has seen u scamming or not
LunarPancake so i think its fine

Tell me your thoughts....... SCAMMER? or Caught In a Lie as he claims? or Just a douchebag.


14-02-2005 20:59:01

sound like a scammer,
why would he take random ppl AIM addresses?
i dont know,


14-02-2005 21:36:25

From what i read, it sounds like he has multiple web certificates and does multiple accounts. So he signs up for someones offer with a new certificate and a different e-mail/mailing adress, he goes green, when the person that he traded with goes up for review he goes red for having multiple accounts.


14-02-2005 21:40:54

thatswhat i thought, so he makes out in the end and fucks everyone else.

heres some more IM's he sent me and roomate.....


JrFiReBiRd16 would ur roomie get me banned from gratis
JrFiReBiRd16 even if i check out
Rancid1845 no
JrFiReBiRd16 what if my bro signed up for freeipods as well
Rancid1845 brb himm and i are smokin
JrFiReBiRd16 will i get banned
Rancid1845 wel if he did it using ur addy that u used
Rancid1845 then u may
Rancid1845 or maynot
Rancid1845 ur allowed one acct per site per household
JrFiReBiRd16 ok, if he did sign up with same crap for a diff gratis site will i be banned from all gratis sites
JrFiReBiRd16 ?????


JrFiReBiRd16 u would get me banned from gratis if it didnt get checked out
JrFiReBiRd16 i have a brother doing free offer sites as well will that effect it?
JrFiReBiRd16 would u get me banned from gratis

-- I didint respond at the end because i was in living room with roomate....not at comp.

Sounds like 100% scam ( LOOKOUT FOR THIS GUY!!!!

thomas moore

16-02-2005 12:25:59

he has yet to go green for me... waitin on it ?


16-02-2005 22:06:51

Ahhh. I traded with this guy. We both went green in record time.

Does this mean my account is going to go on hold now? cry cry cry