$15-50 for each green plus bonuses!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=61787


09-05-2007 16:56:02

I'm new here, but I have 27+ TR on anything4free.com . I believe my payments and bonuses are fairly high, usually 50% or more of what I receive. Please PM or post so I can send you my referral links. I pay on green.

Bonuses are
$5 for 2 sites
$7 for 3 sites
$10 for 4 sites
$13 for 5 sites
$15 for 6 sites
$18 for 7 sites
$20 for 8 sites

Here are the sites I am currently working on

www.thefreebielife.com (0/19)
http//comps.somethin4nothin.com (0/7)
http//100.getstuff4free.org (0/3)

http//www.allyouwant4free.com (1/10)
http//www.cash.customorderthis.com (0/13)
http//www.thepaidclub.com (2/5)
http//www.zeropricetags.com (1/10)
http//phones.zeropricetags.com (0/10)
http//gifts.ultimatefreebies.org (0/13)
http//tech.hotgifts4you.com (1/12)
http//gifts.hotgifts4you.com (0/12)
http//flatscreens.giftxtent.com (3/12)
http//www.giftcards.giftorb.com (0/11)
http//www.ipodmonster.net (0/6)
http//gaming.free4me.net (0/9)
http//four.anygift4free.com (0/4)
http//www.360elite4free.com (0/10)

http//laptops.free4me.net (1/6)
http//www.YouriPodNano4free.com (2/5)
http//www.flashipods4free.com (1/5)
http//www.yournintendowii4free.com (0/5)
http//www.yourfreevideoipods.com (0/6)
http//www.yourfreeflatscreen.com (1/5)
http//www.freeipodbundles.com (0/4)

http//500.free4me.net (1/7)
http//www.goldenfreebies.com (0/8)

http//www.bonuslaptops.com (3/5)
http//apple.v-bux.com (3/10)
http//www.hdtvmonster.net (0/10)

http//sony.v-bux.com (2/10)