Brandon's Trading Thread! Make up to $65

Live forum:


22-04-2007 23:21:53

[bb0bb8eecec]Come One Come All! Step Right Up![/bb0bb8eecec][/sizeb0bb8eecec][/colorb0bb8eecec]

Thanks for Taking a Look at my Page! I decided to give these sites a try because I have always wanted to go to Cosmetology School but didn't have enough money to do both, so what I am doing is trying to supplement my income as well as put money away for school, I know that school is really expensive, but if I can at least put down a hefty monthly payment and maybe use this site as a way to make my payments, I just might be able to wing this one folks! So, if you would like to help a young gay boy fufill his dream of getting [bb0bb8eecec]paid[/bb0bb8eecec] to do hair and makeup, then I would like to [bb0bb8eecec]pay[/bb0bb8eecec] you for helping me out![/colorb0bb8eecec]

[bb0bb8eecec]Side Note[/bb0bb8eecec] Just due to my own personal hang up with the Internet and due to the fact that I am trying to be really careful about losing money that I absolutely cannot afford to lose, I always pay on approval unless otherwise specified. There are people I will make exceptions for, but they are people with HIGH +TR and are established members of the Freebie Community, otherwise, [ib0bb8eecec]I will always pay on approval.[/ib0bb8eecec][/colorb0bb8eecec]

I have a +TR of 8 at FLR! Yes I am relatively new but I welcome all types of people, new established, etc. I don't turn anybody away who wants to help me out!

[bb0bb8eecec]-Here is What I am Working On-[/bb0bb8eecec][/colorb0bb8eecec]

1. [bb0bb8eecec]GoldenFreebies[/sizeb0bb8eecec][/colorb0bb8eecec][/bb0bb8eecec]
Need [bb0bb8eecec]8[/bb0bb8eecec] Referrals
I am paying $25 on approval[/colorb0bb8eecec][/sizeb0bb8eecec]

2. [bb0bb8eecec]Coke.OrderGiftsFree[/sizeb0bb8eecec][/colorb0bb8eecec][/bb0bb8eecec]
Need [bb0bb8eecec]3[/bb0bb8eecec] Referrals
I am paying $15 on approval[/colorb0bb8eecec][/sizeb0bb8eecec]

3. [bb0bb8eecec]CashRewards.Git-R-Free[/sizeb0bb8eecec][/colorb0bb8eecec][/bb0bb8eecec]
Need [bb0bb8eecec]9[/bb0bb8eecec] Referrals
I am paying $25 on approval[/colorb0bb8eecec][/sizeb0bb8eecec]

Yep! That is pretty much it! If you are interested in trading with me, Please respond to this topic or send me a PM and I will get back to you with my referral link! Let's work together and make some money!

- Brandon

My Trading Rules

liPM me with the site you want to complete
liOnce Trade Thread is Set up, you have 24hrs to confirm trade
liPlease Keep in Constant Contact, Let me know what is going on, if you need help if your credit didn't post, etc.
liIf you have not gone green within 7 days and have not contacted me with a reason why, I will cancel trade.[/sizeb0bb8eecec][/colorb0bb8eecec]


03-05-2007 21:26:05

Bump also to update my +TR at FLR is now +12 ;)


03-05-2007 21:39:32

I am interested in trading
are you only doing green for cash
or green 4 green?


03-05-2007 21:41:41

right now I am exhausted on cash so I am doing cash on approval for those sites.


03-05-2007 21:51:12

Are you interested in doing any more sites where you can MAKE some cash? I cannot do any offers, so I am only paying people cash to do sites for me. If interested, You can make a quick $20. Let me know.


03-05-2007 23:27:04

I am a little strapped on cash for the offers right now, otherwise I definitely would ;)


04-05-2007 06:50:51



05-05-2007 22:28:08
