New and Confussed? LET ME HELP YOU out with this EASY offer!

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17-04-2007 15:19:02

Hey.. It can be confusing when you first start out.. so many rules and questions that are all over.. I know I was overwhelmed when I first started.. But its really easy once you get going after your first or second one it will be pretty smooth sailing as long as you follow the guidelines!!!

I have a really great easy offer on
I am paying $20 after approval

I will help you every step of the way .. the more it makes sense to you the sooner I will approve so Its in my best interest to help you out with all your questions alright.. so lets get started just PM me and we will get started



17-04-2007 16:22:55

Do I just have to go to a site and register, or what? I'm interested just clueless!

Thanks, Michelle


17-04-2007 16:52:35

Pmed you with the information


17-04-2007 19:56:35

If anyone out there wants to trade site for site... let me know


17-04-2007 20:19:34

Please PM information to go green. I am new, but am starting to the hang of it.