08-02-2005 03:12:49
i need referals at Gears4Free. If you can help me get some greens on this site, i'll pay $20 for reach referal for me (i'll give you $2 first so you kno i can be trusted and giv u da rest after i receive a green here).
09-02-2005 03:03:11
ok i up for referal for $20
09-02-2005 12:46:36
Not sure I trust a site that has 1/2 their offers with hotlinked, broken images...
09-02-2005 16:34:07
i kno....because they use to have ebay up and those $1 offers....but then people starts doin frauds so therefore they tryin to remove some offers and put new ones
That site really is atrocious, is there info out on their legitimacy?
The guy speaks broken english too and the news talks about all sorts of "take backs".