STOP!! I'll beat ANY offer, or pay your $5 for trying!

Live forum:

V-Bux Dave

02-04-2007 07:50:15

(Updated 5/31/2007)

If you want a green, on any of my sites, [b2a8be674e3]DON'T go anywhere else![/b2a8be674e3] I will [b2a8be674e3]beat [/b2a8be674e3]any bona fide fixed-price offer by at least $1. If you bring me an offer I'm not willing to beat, I'll pay you $5 just for giving me the chance. (Terms apply -- see below)

If you don't want to go to the trouble of looking up other people's offer, I've put a dollar amount after each site. I'll pay [b2a8be674e3]at least[/b2a8be674e3] that much, even without an offer to match.
Here's my sites

[b2a8be674e3]Dell.v-bux[/b2a8be674e3] Need 10 referrals ($50)
[b2a8be674e3]yourfreevideoipods[/b2a8be674e3] Need 4 referrals ($25)
[b2a8be674e3]ZeroPriceTags[/b2a8be674e3] Need 13 referrals ($20)
[b2a8be674e3]Apple.v-bux[/b2a8be674e3] Need 1 referral ($40)
[b2a8be674e3][/b2a8be674e3] Need 1 referral ($20)
[b2a8be674e3][/b2a8be674e3] Need 5 referrals ($35)
[b2a8be674e3][/b2a8be674e3] Need 5 referrals ($40)

Terms Send me the link to the post for anybody else's offer, either here or on Anything4Free. Offer must be current (last post by offerer within 48 hours). I reserve the right to only beat the offer for the first person that presents it to me. If you present me an offer that I'm not willing to beat, I'll send you $5 by PayPal just for trying. This condition applies only to the first person to present me an offer. "Will beat any offer" does not apply to other "will beat any offer" offers. I also reserve right to withdraw this offer with respect to any site when I have enough people working on that site.

My offers include a bonus for quick green. $5 will be deducted from payout if you are not green within 72 hours of setting up the trade. I also expect good communication. If you have NOT greened in 72 hours, I expect a PM letting me know what's going on. If I don't hear from you, I will PM you and email you to find out what's up. If you do not respond to that message within 72 hours after it's sent, I will consider the trade abandoned and move on to someone else. I reserve the right to cancel any trade not green within 30 days for any reason, including manual credit.

If your TR, either here, or on A4F, or a combination, is at least 10, I will pay on green. Otherwise, I will pay on approval, or when your TR goes over 10, whichever comes first. I hate to make you wait, but, unfortunately, there are scammers out there, and that's the only way I know to protect myself. Payment will be made only to verified PayPal accounts.

PM me with your verified PayPal address, a link to an offer posting, and which site you want to do if you're interest.

V-Bux Dave

03-04-2007 07:14:45

There's over $800 in my PayPal account waiting to pay out! Come and get it!

V-Bux Dave

04-04-2007 15:07:49

Yourfreevideoipods is now down to 3 referrals needed. Come and get 'em! D

V-Bux Dave

06-04-2007 16:13:47

And yourfreevideoipods is now down to 2 referrals needed.

V-Bux Dave

07-04-2007 16:50:09


V-Bux Dave

08-04-2007 18:17:41

All my yourfreevideoipod referrals went red, so I'm back to needing 6 on that. I also added another site,

V-Bux Dave

10-04-2007 19:51:42

I'm down to 1 referral needed on PrimoDinero, and 10 needed on dell.v-bux.

Come and get 'em!

V-Bux Dave

12-04-2007 09:02:20

PrimoDinero is done - submitted, approved, ordered!

Other sites are still available. Get 'em while they're hot.

V-Bux Dave

13-04-2007 06:30:35

Still willing to beat any offer. Come take my money!

V-Bux Dave

14-04-2007 06:35:37


V-Bux Dave

15-04-2007 14:43:21

Greens are slowly coming in! Get 'em while the chances are still there.

Now down to 4 referrals need on yourfreevideoipods, and 3 on cameras.123stuffforfree.

V-Bux Dave

16-04-2007 15:11:47


V-Bux Dave

18-04-2007 06:14:36


V-Bux Dave

19-04-2007 05:21:42

No responses lately. What, nobody wants my money? D

V-Bux Dave

20-04-2007 20:46:30

Picked up a couple more greens. I only need 2 more on cameras, and 1 more on thefreebielife. Get 'em while they're hot!

V-Bux Dave

23-04-2007 17:53:01

I'm still here, and still looking for greens.

I especially want to finish up cameras.123stuffforfree -- I need 2 more referrals -- and thefreebielife -- I only need 1 more.

PM me. Take my money. Somebody. Please...

V-Bux Dave

24-04-2007 19:57:10


V-Bux Dave

25-04-2007 20:03:30

Go, Mavs!

V-Bux Dave

04-05-2007 20:42:44

I'm still willing to beat any offer, and I've still got money to back it up. Come and get it!

V-Bux Dave

31-05-2007 10:58:15

Still here, still got money to pay people, still willing to beat any offer.

V-Bux Dave

07-06-2007 05:06:02

Anybody want my money?