$15 for iPodNanos4Free. Quick, easy, no OOD!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=58500


02-04-2007 07:13:29

Guys and Gals,

I need all 5 refs for iPodNanos4free.com. It's an Offer Centric company. I just started this up. I have ALL easy offers, no offers of doom yet.

Offers below.

I will pay pal $15 per green. I'm really wanting to build my trade record.
Anyone who confirms a trade with me today, I'll pay $18 total.


02-04-2007 07:26:18

Here are some of the offers

Consumer Info Cost FREE
Gamefly trial Cost FREE
Stamps.com Cost FREE
True.com Cost FREE
Gametap Cost $.99
Blockbuster Cost $9.99

There are many more free ones and lower cost ones. Just listed some of the more popular/easy ones.

I really want to increase my trade record. I know it's low, but I've been a member of this site for well over a year. I got burned by Freepay, but I'm back with a Vengence. Help me out and make some money!


02-04-2007 08:55:38



02-04-2007 08:56:34

Please read the rules, you are bumping to often.


02-04-2007 09:01:59

what's an offer of doom? and what's a bump?


02-04-2007 09:14:44

Please read [u768b7303cf]The Rules[/u768b7303cf][=http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=21][u768b7303cf]The Rules[/u768b7303cf], [u768b7303cf]The FAQ[/u768b7303cf][=http//forum.freeipodguide.com/newbie.php][u768b7303cf]The FAQ[/u768b7303cf], [u768b7303cf]The Newbies Guide To Trading[/u768b7303cf][=http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=12652][u768b7303cf]The Newbies Guide To Trading[/u768b7303cf] and the [u768b7303cf]Guidelines & Rules For The Trading Post[/u768b7303cf][=http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=8376][u768b7303cf]Guidelines & Rules For The Trading Post[/u768b7303cf] to familiarise yourself with the site, it's rules and how the Trading System and Trading Post work.

Consistent violation of the rule you have broken , after being warned will result in a 14 day temp-ban. Consider this your first warning.

[quote768b7303cf="Guidelines & Rules For The Trading Post"][b768b7303cf]--Posting--[/b768b7303cf]

[b768b7303cf]b.[/b768b7303cf] Do not create a new post more than once per 3 days. Also, do not 'bump' your post more than once per 24 hours (1 day). When the 3 days are up, you may choose to create a new thread, or bump an existing thread, but you cannot do both.

[b768b7303cf]--Referral links--[/b768b7303cf]

[b768b7303cf]z.[/b768b7303cf] Do not post referral links anywhere other than in the trade module or via PMs, and only share them when a trade has been solicited. The no reflink rule includes signatures.


[b768b7303cf]You may not create another thread in The Trading Post within the next 3 days. Doing so will result in the below temp-ban.[/b768b7303cf][/color768b7303cf][/size768b7303cf]