Credit Card = Paypal + offer for u!

Live forum:


26-03-2007 18:23:13

I am trying to get a free PSP. I need a credit card though to complete the offers, I will pay u through paypal too give me credit card or debit card money. I will let u do the transaction urself (giving u my password and username) Also I was cost less for using ur referell link. Any free PSP site will do. So yeah i need a credit card and I will pay u back in full + deduct some money from u paying me for doing the offer correctly. Maybe even as low as 15 dollars!!
Please answer soon!


26-03-2007 18:53:33

what exactly are you wanting to do here?


26-03-2007 18:55:59

I want to do an offer for somone just as they give me their link but I need a credit card to do the offer I will pay u back for the money spent though


26-03-2007 19:02:05

no thanx...
can't give out that info, or use it for someone else


26-03-2007 19:04:49

I will give u my account name and password and u complete the transaction. I will pay you before hand, so there is no risk in doing it

sandra habina

27-03-2007 02:46:03

Read the rules again, I do not believe that is allowed here. You can get your own prepaid cash card and do offers that way. And there are sites that do not require a credit card to complete offers. Check the no cc sites. Also paypal has a debit card now and you could use that to complete offers and win your prize. Good luck. PM me if you have more questions.

unknown uchiha

27-03-2007 23:14:53

If you have Paypal, you can use the Virtual Debit Card.


28-03-2007 06:05:14

[quotef8148933e0="purechaoskid26"]I will give u my account name and password and u complete the transaction. I will pay you before hand, so there is no risk in doing it[/quotef8148933e0]

That is REALLY against the rules on every site I've ever seen. They all have clearly in their TOS that you can't do an offer for someone else.

PayPal offers a Debit Card, or you could buy a prepaid VISA to do offers.
