Trading and all! Nothing is off limits! Drawing 4 prizes!

Live forum:


06-03-2007 04:28:13

I';m going to need about 6 more members.I will take all of my refs gained from this site and I will be giving away a prize pack. Not sure what exactly it will include but I am going to include atleast 1 year of 1 gig storage tons of bandwith hosting. Please make suggestions on other things. I can get some code work for you or I can get a macabre picture drawn for you by one of my friends. [/sized33c20bc2a] I won't be doing these trades right now. I want to wait a week or two after I have all my trades ready to go. Its for Yes you have to do two offers and yes, it can be done for free. I'll basically trade for any site. Let me know what it is and I'll see if I can do it. I'm a very reliable member who just wants to help you and have you help me. Thanks everybody. If you need it by a specific date please post it and I'll try to work it out. If you have less than 4 tr I may not trade with you, but then again I might depends on circumstances. I can also offer free hosting and maybe a domain. Most likely a one year hosting, ask me for more details.


06-03-2007 20:08:31

Bump. Anybody intersted? I'll take custom requests for the prize.