Will trade referals!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=5447


31-01-2005 08:13:29

I need referrals for freeflatscreens.com and have only signed up for freeipods.com and freeflatscreens.com any other sites I will be more than willing to sign up for in exchange for a referral to my account.

Edit Probably better that you PM me instead of post.


02-02-2005 10:18:34

An update I have now signed up for offers on freeipodshuffle and freeminimacs so any other site I'm still willing and ready to sign up for in exchange.


02-02-2005 22:05:13

Ethan is a trustworthy trader, He signed up under me for FreeMiniMacs and he turned green right away.


02-02-2005 22:05:52

Aye! That was me aka Guest^