$$$$$$$$$$$HERE IS A BETTER WAY TO MAKE $$$$$$$$$$$$

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=54146


15-02-2007 15:57:15

Forget trading! All you do is complete offers for somebody and they give you some of the money they earn. Complete offers for yourself and make more money!

Go to this site, here you will complete offers and be paid weekly by paypal. Keep all of your money. Complete offers and receive points! 10 points = $1. There are a lot of free offers and offers that have free trials etc.. Its the same when you do a trade only better because you are guaranteed to get paid and there are more free offers. Check it out! Questions? Feel free to contact me.



15-02-2007 16:00:54

NO Ref codes...damn


15-02-2007 16:06:08

Dosn't this type of site belong in the DIY section even if they have
a referral program?

unknown uchiha

15-02-2007 17:30:31

No reflinks. Period. You have ten minutes to remove it unless you never want to see a dime of profit from that site ever again. Call my bluff if you want.


17-02-2007 13:17:12

[quote828bad90a4="unknown uchiha"]No reflinks. Period. You have ten minutes to remove it unless you never want to see a dime of profit from that site ever again. Call my bluff if you want.[/quote828bad90a4]

i dont think he heard you