^*^*^I will pay $25 Dollars for an INSTANT Green!^*^*^

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=53817


12-02-2007 05:54:26

I am tired of looking for people to do Cash.CustomOrderThis.com who go green and immediately go red. So now I am offering $25 dollars for someone who can be my last referral on this site so I can get it over with. You will have to wait until [b845882bd78]approval[/b845882bd78], which will be sometime later today, around 3 CST. So you will get paid TODAY for your green. I only need ONE!


13-02-2007 06:16:01

I may also do a good luck Indian dance IF you green, or slaughter a lamb, whatever is better for you...


13-02-2007 09:27:47

ok i'll try i'm new at this so bare with me