Approved Apple, working on Sony, NEED GREENS! PAYING$$

Live forum:


09-02-2007 16:07:37

I am going to be submitting for Sony V-bux
I need greens! If you are willing to go green for me I am paying $$ via paypal. I will be submitting Wednesday February 14th, I will pay anyone who goes green for me before then!

I like to make it interesting, I will pay
$20 if one person goes green
$22 each if two go green
$25 each if Four go green
$30 each if I can get 10 people to go green between tonight and Valentines Day.
[be3e55979ed]The more people go green the more you each make[/be3e55979ed][/sizee3e55979ed]
I will be paying on approval, which is usually (as some of you know) every Friday.

PM me if interested!