Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=52587


27-01-2007 23:10:18

[ia9d0fbc055]Normal TR rules apply.

TRs lower than 4 are paid after approval.

TR's higher than 4 are paid once they've greened.

TR's higher than mine can be paid upfront.[/colora9d0fbc055][/ia9d0fbc055]

MAKE YOURSELF SOME QUICK CASH, WHEREVER YOU ARE! (i need 6 referrals)[/sizea9d0fbc055][/colora9d0fbc055]
Canada, UK, U.S., Germany, Japan, France, Australia.... just to name a few
[ba9d0fbc055]- Freezens @ $15/ref [/sizea9d0fbc055][/ba9d0fbc055]
[ba9d0fbc055]lithere's a bonus of [ua9d0fbc055]$5[/ua9d0fbc055] if you can green in 48 hrs, real easy
(read guide to greening)[/ba9d0fbc055][/sizea9d0fbc055]

[ua9d0fbc055]PM me if you're interested[/colora9d0fbc055][/ua9d0fbc055]



28-01-2007 23:24:28

GUIDE TO GREENING[/size6e289172d0][/color6e289172d0]

Here is a general guide on how to almost 100% guarantee that you will get credit for any offers you complete on any Freebie site!
I personally tested this theory and method on "Bullseye-media's" ConsumerSavingCenter.com. I did 11 offers there, 10 of which have been "approved." The only one that was not approved was "Time Life Song Songs CD" which I have yet to read of someone receiving credit for.
I have personally tested and proven the following theory and method, though I can not guarantee you will have the same results, but it will greatly increase your chances of getting credit for any given offer!

Theory The offer crediting system on any given Freebie site works in the following way
1. You click an offer, the freebie site sends you to their advertiser for that offer (ex. NetBlue, FusionCash, etc.).
2. The advertiser places one or more "cookies" on your web browser's cache or cookie folder.
3. The advertiser than forwards you to the offer's website, where you complete the offer.
4. Upon completing the offer, you are brought to a "completion/confirmation page" on the offer’s website. On that web page, there is a tiny image file usually named "Can't Tell...."
5. The cookie(s) on your browser cache/folder that were placed by the advertiser then activate/"pop" that "image" file, which is than tracked by the advertiser. The advertiser then reports the status back to the Freebie site, which allows them to credit you for completing the offer.

Method There are many reason that you do not get credit, but one reason is because these "cookies" that the advertiser is suppose to place on your browser cache/folder sometimes conflict with other cookies or do not get placed there at all! The following guide will help eliminate this problem of not receiving credit for an offer completion in relation to cookies/image!

1. Launch Microsoft's Internet Explorer, since IE is the most universal web browser today, you'll have fewer problems by using it for Freebie sites. Although I would not recommend it for normal web browser, but instead would recommend Mozilla FireFox (FireFox Website!)

2. Once IE is open, click "Tools/Internet Options.../General," You will now be at the new tab/window titled "Internet Options," and the tab “General.” Click "Delete Cookies..." and then "OK." Now, Click "Delete Files...," check the "Delete All Offline Content" box, and then click "OK." Now, at the top of the window click the "Privacy" tab. Move the slide bar to "Accept All Cookies" and uncheck the "Block Pop ups" box, click "OK". You have now cleared your browser cache and cookies, enabled all cookies, and disabled your pop-up blocker! If you have any other pop-up blockers and cookies blockers, you need to also disable them!

3. Close all open Internet Explorer (IE) windows, and repeat step # 2. just to double check everything is correct and cleared!

4. Log into your Freebie site account and go to the “offers” web page. On your computer’s Desktop, click "Start/My Computer” and select “C//Documents and Settings/USERNAME/Cookies" (Note Your local drive might be different, though "C" is the windows default. Also where USERNAME is, replace it with your actually windows user account name.) The "cookies" folder should be completely empty besides from an "index.dat" file. If it is not, clear your cookies and cache again.

5. Now, click an offer, wait for the offer website page to completely load (the flag at the top right should not be moving, and in the bottom left bar it should say "Done".). Then check the "cookies" folder and there should be one or more cookies/text files there, most likely one or more will have the offers name/site in its title and freebie site's name/title!
lililiIf there are no cookies in the folder, go back/close the offer window and start over from step # 2.lilili
If there are cookies in the folder, you should get credit for completing the offer, continue on to #6!

6. Complete the offer, and make sure that each web page of the offer's website loads completely!
Sometimes "image" take a while to load since they are communicating with third parties (the advertiser, etc.). It is EXTREMELY important that you make sure the "completion/confirmation web page" loads fully, since it’s the one that contains the "image" file!

7. After completing an offer, make sure the clear your cookies and cache before doing another offer, just to make sure you do not have any conflicting cookies, especially if you are going multiple offers on the same site/web page (ex. on Do-It-Yourself sites)!!!

I hope that everyone will find this useful, and it will eliminate a majority of offer crediting problems!
Always here for your Computer Questions and Needs,



30-01-2007 06:12:26


Over the past few months member's have been requesting more offers and more variety. Freezens delivered and now has over 650 active offers for members to green their accounts.

A new problem has arisen. It seems many users are getting lost with the increased choice of offers. We have seen numerous members clicking on literally dozens of offers before completing any. As a result I felt the need to provide a guideline for easy ways to complete the site. There are ways to complete the site using free 1/4 credit offers but my examples below are the easiest options.

[bd14b675092]US members[/bd14b675092] If you are a member from United States ou have so many offers to choose from its quite easy to get lost. Here are some of the easy options for greening your account
Hosting options - Freezens has a number of hosting offers available to U.S. citizens. Due to the tough competition in the hosting marketplace hosting offers payout good rewards - most of them are full credit offers!. Our favourite offer for U.S. hosting is hostmonster. All you need do is signup for and keep your account for a minimum of 1 month (cost $4.95) in order to be credited. How easy is that??.
Carleton Sheets remains our most popular biz-opp offer for U.S. members and it is easy to see why. Easy to complete free trial leading to a full credit which we are notified of almost instantly.

[bd14b675092]Canadian members [/bd14b675092]Similar to U.S. members the easiest way to credit your account is through an internet based offer. Web.com offers a 30 day trial at the cost of $9.95 leading to a full credit for your account!.
Fancy a flutter? There are 12 offers with full credits available to canadian users for gambling products. GoldenPalace Bingo is probably our favourite offer in this category. All you have to do is signup deposit $50 and play. You don't need to spend that $50 - just signup, deposit and play leading to a full credit for your account.

[bd14b675092]UK members[/bd14b675092] Over the past 2 months I have been hunting high and low to increase our offers to UK members. Not only do UK members make up a high proportion of our membership base but the admin team for freezens is also UK based!.
Currently the only way to receive a full credit from 1 offer in the UK is through gambling. Once again we recommend the GoldenPalace Bingo for ease of use. After the loss of alternatives for UK users we are constantly searching for new offers.

[bd14b675092]Other members Freezens caters for members worldwide[/bd14b675092]. We have many users from Brazil, Australia, New Zealand and India and a recent surge in Russian memberships. If you would like recommendations based on your particular country please contact email==support@freezens.comsupport@freezens.com=support@freezens.comsupport@freezens.com/email

The new rewards have had a good take up. We have received numerous emails regarding our February $1,000 giveaway. In addition to this we have now sent out our first iPod Shuffle, Creative Zen Vision W and even a Roomba yay. Unfortunately no takers for a bean bag chair yet -(

Owner - Marc

i feel good about this one~


31-01-2007 21:37:33

bump...sigh roll


01-02-2007 21:38:16

bump... cry


03-02-2007 14:16:24

bump cry i need refs!!!


05-02-2007 21:47:33

bump shock


06-02-2007 02:11:25

Just PMd you


06-02-2007 06:40:45

not sure what you were thinking, but today's not the day to be spamming me.

[imgb2e1cae075]http/" alt=""/img260.imageshack.us/img="260/3231/pmspamnq8.th.png[" alt=""/imgb2e1cae075][=http//img="260.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pmspamnq8.png][imgb2e1cae075]http/" alt=""/img260.imageshack.us/img="260/3231/pmspamnq8.th.png[" alt=""/imgb2e1cae075]



06-02-2007 07:05:11

$15 is a good deal. Look around, most will only pay $10-$12 for 2dollardeal and zero pricetags sites.

well....you know, some ppl paymore than 15$ for zeropricetags, and never was there a 10$ offer.... just telling you


08-02-2007 13:38:30



09-02-2007 16:07:38

b.....u.....m......p shock


10-02-2007 15:28:14



11-02-2007 15:59:33



12-02-2007 14:59:18

bump. i need just 1 more ref! D


13-02-2007 03:42:00



13-02-2007 14:06:53



13-02-2007 17:56:24



13-02-2007 18:14:46

pm'd you


13-02-2007 18:17:21

could you pm me a list of canadian offers? thanks D


14-02-2007 17:36:47

bump playful