$$25$$ for trainns yourfreevideoipods.com

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=52366


25-01-2007 12:22:23

I'm looking for refs at TraInns yourfreevideoipods.com I will pay $25 paypal drop me a pm or post if you can do it.

I will also do any of and only these sites in a trade

[b42b3a74744]For the newbies[/b42b3a74744] If you have under 5 tr and/or have been trading for less than a month I will have to wait till you go through approval to pay you. Or you can refer me to someone with a good TR who you have done a green for that you have passed approval on there account.

I only need one more green before I can submit for approval and TraInn usually approves your account in about a week so it isn't that long a wait.

These rules are to protect me from scamers not to descriminate against the new traders and I really don't mind giving you help if you need it at any point in the process.


25-01-2007 12:25:58

yes i am interested as long as you pay as soon as i go green if thats cool then set up a trade and ill get right on it


25-01-2007 12:29:49

PM me with details. Do you pay when green?


25-01-2007 12:37:15

I'm interested I PM'd you


25-01-2007 12:58:31

If you have under 5 tr and/or have been trading for less than a month I will have to wait till you go through approval to pay you. Or if you were referred to this site through a friend work for him so I can trade with someone with TR on there account.


25-01-2007 13:10:10

ready to go green for you but brand spanking new. payment to my paypal when?


25-01-2007 13:12:36

Is "going through approval" different than going green? If so... whats the difference?


25-01-2007 13:14:51

i have already gone green, my paypal account has been verified and i know what you need done. if you want to do this set it up and i'll get it done today.


25-01-2007 13:45:41

I set up tades with the people who have decent trading records and a couple others.

I skipped those of you with no TR who registered today and wanted to be paid as soon as you green sorry but that is more of a gamble than I am willing to take.

The difference from going through approval and going green just means you did an offer when I submit my account for approval trainn checks to make sure none of my referrals are fraudulant if you remain green after I pass approval then you get paid.


26-01-2007 07:21:06

Lined up a couple more but still need another.


28-01-2007 12:59:47

Just... one... more...