Who needs GiftMonkey Points?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=49917


19-12-2006 14:42:41

I'm willing to do [b7463d0987c]2[/b7463d0987c] GiftMonkey points for one person. I need either Wii.FreeEnterprize, or I'll accept PayPal. Post your offers here. The first person who can do Wii.FreeEnterprize will automatically be chosen, otherwise the highest PayPal bidder will. I'll make my decision by the end of the day.

Thanks. wink


19-12-2006 16:43:25

22 for 2 points


19-12-2006 16:51:44

The highest bidder so far is kala, who offered $34 for two points.


19-12-2006 16:57:53

well i can do ur wii enterpize