macbook.freeenterprize - Referral Trade or $5 Paypal

Live forum:


06-12-2006 01:16:26

I need some referrals for macbook.freeenterprize,
heres what i'm offering...

Choose one of these
-I will signup at any Referral site, and multiple sites if needed..
-$5 Paypal
-other (if theres something i didn't mention you would like in return, feel free to ask)


06-12-2006 01:55:53

Oh my god... I finally get to warn somebody first... cry

Here goes...

Hey buddy, we don't take kindly to posting your referral links here... it's not allowed. i recommend you remove the referral link immediately and read the stickies... learn the rules and what not...

How'd I do? Awesome...


06-12-2006 01:58:42

I thought that was the point of this forum?

To trade referrals...


06-12-2006 02:40:00

You can trade referrals but u can only PM the referral link. showing it in public is not the way.


06-12-2006 03:00:57

But, anyway, I'd trade with you... I need Trainn's

I'm just kidding, but I'll pm you.

unknown uchiha

06-12-2006 13:24:25

I need Apple.FreeEnterprize, can you do that? I can do Macbook.FreeEnterprize.


06-12-2006 14:50:45

I can do any of them, just pm me the link and i will do the same in return.


06-12-2006 15:25:55

I think macbook is an OOD site, just to give you guys a heads up.


06-12-2006 15:37:12

"OOD" ?


06-12-2006 15:47:02

[quoteb6f03d473d="chillinhh"]"OOD" ?[/quoteb6f03d473d]
OOD = Offers Of Doom
Basically hard offers like Web-Hosting, Casino (gambling) and any offer that is expensive to complete.


06-12-2006 16:13:56

[img78f99425cd]http/" alt=""/"152/5639/[" alt=""/img78f99425cd][=http//img="][img78f99425cd]http/" alt=""/"152/5639/[" alt=""/img78f99425cd]

Here are all the free offers that credit within 1 day.


06-12-2006 18:00:21

Macbook requires you to complete three full credit offers. You can tell because their payout ratio is $40 per ref on each of their normal sites except macbook, where it is $120 per ref.


06-12-2006 21:27:51

I just wanted to mention the offer screenshot i posted was only for the offers that were credited within 1 day, if you dont mind waiting longer for the credit to post it has alot more offers to choose from.

I just posted the offers that credit within a day since i couldnt fit all the other offers in one screenshot.