Want To Sign Up For Sites For Paypal!

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04-09-2006 19:11:27

I will do any easy, one offer sites for $35 paypal! Pm me if ur interested!

I need 7 refferals on anygift4seven, will trade for any easy, one offer site that i havent done before also!


sites i hav completed!

1. 123StuffForFree.com
2. 3604Free.com
3. DVDRecorders4Free.com
4. FlashiPods4Free.com
5. Flatscreens4Free.com
6. FreeComputerAddons.com
7. Get6Friends.com
8. ipods.FreePay.com
9. Laptops.Freepay.com
10. PremiumiPods.FreePay.com
11. PS3.FreePay.com
12. PS34Free.com
13. RewardBull.com
14. Xbox360s.FreePay.com
15. YourFreeVideoiPods.com
16. YourFree360Games.com
17. ordercash4free.com
18. yourfreeflatscreens.com
19. TechGift4Free.com
20. freenintendowiis.com
21. anygift4seven.com
22. YourWii4free.com
23. gaming.free4me.net


04-09-2006 19:28:44

pm'd for getrewardz.com


04-09-2006 19:43:33

Maybe you need to come up with a new definition of easy. $10 is not really an expensive offer at all. I know you want the $1 offers that "i can cancel as soon as they credit" Have fun trying to find people who will pay $35 for "easy" sites.

Good luck.

P.S. The caps lock button works on AIM too.


04-09-2006 20:25:55

gruffer wants his reffies. D


04-09-2006 20:31:22

[quotef99eaa023c="TFOAF"]gruffer wants his reffies. D[/quotef99eaa023c]Yes I do. But I also dislike assholes.
...get back on AIM...you have been off since 130. (


06-09-2006 01:19:32

Ill pay you $20 for dontocstanything. $35 is wat to high.


06-09-2006 04:48:22

ill pay you $23 for ipods.123stuff4free 35 is crazy pm me if interested.


06-09-2006 04:55:51

thanks for threadcrapping assholes


06-09-2006 06:20:29

[quote86d97a082a="cams874"]thanks for threadcrapping assholes[/quote86d97a082a]

Chill out man, and everyone is right, $35 is way too high. Most sites pay out at $40/ref