$3 paypal for this360gearisfree

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=42851


13-07-2006 05:11:48

Only a few offers on this site actually credit, so you will need to go first. I have 40+ tr on a4f, feel free to pm me there first to confirm (MSG84). I know the two sites are different but I'm not going to pay 10+ people $3 to have a few do good offers, then I get back the money with 5%+ missing.

A few offers that I know of give instant credit if your cookies are set right...

Business Connection

I'm sure there are a few more but I have tried a lot of offers on the network and those were the ones that gave instant credit. The others didn't credit in 7+ days so I did other offers (on all of the networks sites). This site seems to give instant credit or no credit at all.

This will be a one time thing. I'm just trying to get to 20 greens fast so I can get my raffle over with on a4f. I currently have 12 greens and 7 oranges which probably won't green.

Pm me if you want to trade.