
Live forum:


02-07-2006 16:40:19

I am paying 10 dollars per sign up with yourfreevideoipod. If you would like to accept, respond and ill initiate the trade. The IPOD offer is my preferance but if you see something else you would like to try below, also PM me. Thanks


02-07-2006 16:53:12

You may wanna up your price. Just a suggestion.


02-07-2006 16:55:19

Yea. You REALLY wanna up your price. At least 10 dollars more. ;)

Just a suggestion, from me Averagejoe1039 and me. ;)


02-07-2006 16:58:33



03-07-2006 15:35:07

i dunno.. i dont have much cash.. can someone help me out?


03-07-2006 18:37:06

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