$2.06 paypal for thisxbox360stuffisfree ($2 after fees)

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=41872


24-06-2006 18:23:02

Pm me if you want to do my thisxbox360stuffisfree for $2.06 paypal. After you pm me you can setup a trade.

No CC offers only!

unknown uchiha

24-06-2006 19:03:09

Trade for ThisDSLiteIsFree?


25-06-2006 09:53:27

Pmed you back.

I still need some more refs.


25-06-2006 13:41:00

2.06 is not 2.00 after fees.

Its -.30 just for the exchange and then -%