Live forum:


08-06-2006 17:15:55

I need someone to do my games.123stuff4free site...
my brother is member here and he instructed me to only complete after the other person passes my offer. I can do any site, I need 4 people TONIGHT! If you complete the offer for me tonight, and when you pass the authentication for it, I'll do an instant offer for you! If you don't do it tonight, I'll do an easier one ) Thank You


08-06-2006 17:22:01

Uhhh........It's not a good idea to be doing free sites and especially trading for them if you live with your brother, which I'm assuming you do since you're both posting form the same IP.


08-06-2006 17:22:12

who is your brother and good luck getting someone to go 1st if you have no tr


08-06-2006 17:32:12

No I actually do not live with my brother, I'm over for the night though )
I have an apartment and he lives at home. His username is Tsmith10803
which is what mine was going to be if the bastard didn't steal it lol
Anyway, that's why i said I wasn't going to complete them tonight for people, I'm at my bros house for the night, anyway, I made my account the other day to do a ref for him, and I have the link, so if anyone wants to trade. Let me know )