Quick, $20.00 Paypal for Everyone-Free No Offers/CC needed

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=39564


18-05-2006 21:49:09

Not sure how many of you already know of this site but I just signed up for it. You have to have an ebay account and have +10 feedback, or have had the account for itleast 1 year. You link your ebay account with Unwired Buyer, and bid on an item through UnWired Buyer. Once the bid is placed whether you win or lose the auction they send you $20.00 Paypal within 1 business day.

Hit me up and I'll PM you my Referral Link. (against rules to post it)

They do Mass Paypal payments about 3 times a day, no Paypal Fees.

Here are the Instructions

1. Sign up using the same email address as your paypal account.
2. Link your Ebay Account during setup
3. Add a Cell Phone or Home Phone Number that the UnWired System can call.
4. Log into your Ebay account and Add whatever Item your willing to put a bid on to your "Watching Item List" (I did an xbox 360 cable)
5. Now log into your UnWired Buyer Account and click the UPDATE Auctions links, you should see your "watched item" listed there.
6. "tick", Click the call me check box
7. Wait, and when the auction is at the "3 minutes remaining mark you will get a call from this automated system, you enter your pin u setup, and place a bid over the phone... My auction was at 9.00 .. so i pressed # to submit a 9.50 bid, and was outbidded, i then hit 1050, which equals 10.50, and placed a bid, but was outbid again, the auction then ended, and I lost.
8. After you place a bid through your phone call you will receive an email shortly afterwords to claim your $20.00 Paypal prize. (this will most likely be in your spam folder, mine was)
9. Collect on $20.00 bux and enjoy - Refer friends for $5.00


FYI UnWired Buyer is free, safe and secure. It's an eBay Compatible Application, and Fully supported by Ebay. (not as scam)


Anyone you refer gets you $5.00, if you can get 50 Referrals you will get an additional $500.00 Bonus


18-05-2006 22:16:33


but none the less, i'll do it once we get some proof it's legit. ty


18-05-2006 22:25:58

I just did this for someone else and got the $20 paypal the same night. It works.


18-05-2006 22:32:04

It's legit. Did that a few days ago and received my $20 PP within a few hours.


18-05-2006 22:38:51

It seems if u win once using their service, you get a new COUPON TAB, once u win again .. you can get a $25.00 Cashback coupon.. as well...


18-05-2006 22:44:18

http//www.knightsdesign.com/images/proofs/unwired_proof.jpg[" alt=""/img3a93c55763]


19-05-2006 15:01:53

editits not resizing,but IT DOES WORK SAME DAY


19-05-2006 18:48:20

shit, I wish I had +10 feedback....


19-05-2006 20:11:33

[quote7d9eb6240b="johnjimjones"]shit, I wish I had +10 feedback....[/quote7d9eb6240b]

as do i... time to buy myself some good luck?

and is the OP giving anything in addition to the 20 we get from the company for using his ref link (besides his gratitude, of course) )