Flashipods4free $20 per ref

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=37338


14-04-2006 08:30:42

$20 per green via paypal for flashipods4free. I need 5. PM ME

changed to $20


14-04-2006 19:07:44

upped offer to $20


14-04-2006 19:13:46

Read the friggin rules, dude.


14-04-2006 22:22:00

noone will do it for 20..


15-04-2006 08:55:16

anyways, excusing the responses above.

And to some people who want to trade instead of the cash. I have done quite a few sites so its not very likely that I havent done it. The ones so far people have asked about are ipods.freepay and yourfreevideipods. Ive got accounts already with both.


15-04-2006 09:39:33

Welcome to the forums. I beleive what Veek was referring to is that you may only bump/update your post every 3 days. You have done it twice in two days. ;)


15-04-2006 13:55:39

I thought bumping meant like useless bumps. I changed the offer price from $17 to $20. isnt that worthy of posting? lol
need 4 more by the way


15-04-2006 14:24:02

Do not make another thread for 3 days. Read the rules...