earn up to $7 on this50buxisfree

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=35996


24-03-2006 21:35:17

This is how it goes...

if u want to sign up u have to pm me...no posting any evidence that u pmed me on this thread or that u going to do it, just pm me and we trade

i need 9 referals for this50bux is free instead of paying $1 or $2 per person to join i am offering up to $7 but this is the diference

the first person to go green gets $7 paypal for a free offer !

#2 gets $4 paypal

#3 gets $3 paypal

#4 gets $2 paypal

#5 gets $2 paypal

#6 gets $1 paypal

#7 gets $1 paypal

#8 gets karma

#9 gets karma

along with the payment i will send u a screenshot of proof that u were 1st or 3rd or 5th so u wont think that i said everyone was 7th

remember if u want to trade just pm me dont say pmed or anything like that its beween u and me.

u might think that $7 for this site is scam but in total im spending $20

good luck


25-03-2006 20:18:01

this is cool and creative the way u did it would be great if i could get the $7 but i already signed up for this site x


26-03-2006 15:47:54

noone is green yet get your chance at 7 for nothing


28-03-2006 04:56:02

no greens yet 8)


28-03-2006 07:07:14

You can only bump every three days. Do not create a new trading thread until March 31st.