will trade or pay for ipods.freepay.com refs

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=35706


21-03-2006 18:05:18

I am looking for my last few refs on freepays Ipods site.

I can do about half of freepays site, including laptops, desktop pcs, giftcards, digital cameras, ipodnanos.

I can do trainns ps3s and dvdrecorders sites.

I can do any other smaller networks sites, as long as they have non-OOD.

I will also pay $28 paypal for refs, $32 if you are green within 1-2 days of signing up.

PM me / post if you are interested in making a trade, thanks.


22-03-2006 12:12:00

i can do it, is blockbuster an offer?