need oc video ipod

Live forum:


09-03-2006 18:42:26

need a few oc video ipod refs, trying to finish this site again since oc allows it )

tr rules apply of course.

pm me to see if we can help each other out. i have sent a handfull of people i know in real life to do trades in the past, and its possible if i can't do the site i can get one of them to do it, i will of course vouch for them )


thought i should edit this after admins request, im positive that none of these people that i know can still signup for any trainn network sites, i have actually tried to get them to do these sites first for themselves since they are the best imo )


09-03-2006 18:44:06

damac, I am interested in reward bull, ps3.freepay or psps. just lemme know in the answer to the PM I sent ya earlier about our current trade )


09-03-2006 20:31:25

interested in trading for a yourfreeflatscreens? pm me


14-03-2006 22:29:30

edited and a bump )


20-03-2006 15:04:32

bump, still need to setup a couple oc video ipod trades )