** $31.50 ** for IPODS.FREEPAY Green (THIS WEEK ONLY!)

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=33995


27-02-2006 03:51:33

EDIT I've upped the rate to $31.50 to gain some interest; I need four more solid green referrals to win on this site.

I have excellent eBay Feedback (in the hundreds @ 100%) and have positive TR on other sites.

Please get in touch via PM if you wish to trade.

Payment by PayPal on green (let me know what your email address that you signed up with is).


01-03-2006 18:34:19

still available - $31.50 - the hottest offer for ipods greens around

I need two, or three to be on the safe side.

I have excellent eBay feedback and good TR on other freebie sites.

Please PM and get in touch!


01-03-2006 18:36:01
