looking to start anygift4points

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=33643


22-02-2006 12:02:10

i need referrals for plasmas4free (no ood)
or freepay macminis

hit me up if you want to trade, also will accept paypal

thought i should also say, that i am an active user and plan on using this site quite a bit. however, i understand hesitance if anyone doesnt want to trade a referral site to get a point site. however, if you just have an account send me a tell anyway and we'll see what happens


22-02-2006 12:03:31

anygift4points is just that a do it yourself. Dont think people will trade for a referral that doesnt get them anything. Just my opinion though