ipods.freepay for my notebooks4free

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=32663


10-02-2006 12:38:49

I have 2 greens available (friends) from my last trade thread.

Both the ipod trades went sour.

So looking for 2 people to do notebooks4free or minimacs4free

NO OOD so dont be scared. Trade must be set up today or will save for another date.


10-02-2006 12:44:49

Can you tell me the list of offers/requirements?


10-02-2006 13:09:19

notebooks is 18 referrals
minimacs is 10

I could show you the master list but t would be worthless since you wil see a scaled down version. They change everytime someone joins.


10-02-2006 17:23:03

what type of offers do they have? Any free or inexpensive ones?