new site macsfree4me, offering 10+conga

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08-02-2006 16:10:05

Brand new site out, couple days old called macsfree4me, you can get a macmini for 4 refs, ibook for 6, Grade A network, PM me with details, there are free offers. You will get onto the conga if you go green for me


08-02-2006 16:36:27

[quote1adebfba15="mikeman565"]Brand new site out, couple days old called macsfree4me, you can get a macmini for 4 refs, ibook for 6, Grade A network, PM me with details, there are free offers. You will get onto the conga if you go green for me[/quote1adebfba15]

You failed to mention that after the do 2 free offers they have to do 1 OOD.


08-02-2006 16:50:47

Well, its not an OOD, an OOD usually consists of wagering money, or depositing money. The third offer is free, which is earthlink. The reason it is free is becasue there is a promotion code you can put in that gives it to you for free for 30-60 days, not sure which. So basically alll three offers, 1 non cc, 2 free, will cost you nothing, and its so easy to get an expensive gift.


08-02-2006 17:52:30

[quoteb16d2b336d="mikeman565"]Well, its not an OOD, an OOD usually consists of wagering money, or depositing money. The third offer is free, which is earthlink. The reason it is free is becasue there is a promotion code you can put in that gives it to you for free for 30-60 days, not sure which. So basically alll three offers, 1 non cc, 2 free, will cost you nothing, and its so easy to get an expensive gift.[/quoteb16d2b336d]

That is assuming they can do earthlink. You should be to the point and not beat around the bush.

Say do 2 free offers and earthlink. Which by the way they could get $100+ for on any "cash for offers" site.

When trying to trade you should be honest and straight forward. Or will lead to a bad experience for somebody.