looking for referals

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=30261


11-01-2006 15:41:21

i need referals to get an ipod so email= at email=street.souljah420@gmail.comstreet.souljah420@gmail.com at email=street.souljah420@gmail.comstreet.souljah420@gmail.com/email
i will do referals for people aswell


11-01-2006 15:55:19

good...private messages through the forums are generally easier to be able to get in contact with. or even AIM. use the trade module to start up things, also, be mores pecific on what site you need done, what site you can do for others.


11-01-2006 15:56:39


and i can do freeflatscreens.com