Great raffle for free psps referrals

Live forum:


09-01-2006 10:06:45

pm me if you want my referral link. the first five people who do so will be entered into a raffle for 200 dollars worth of gift cards.


09-01-2006 10:10:30



09-01-2006 10:21:49

what i mean is the first 5 who sign up under my link will be entered . i willl draw names out of hat


09-01-2006 12:02:30

You have 4 posts and no TR...


09-01-2006 12:14:51

[quote227e121e02="beanman25"]what i mean is the first 5 who sign up under my link will be entered . i willl draw names out of hat[/quote227e121e02]

So, we have a 1 out of 5 chance to win $200 just for signing up under your link?


09-01-2006 13:53:14

so ur paying $200 for 5 referrals basically?


09-01-2006 14:34:03

yea pretty much


09-01-2006 14:36:03

[quote74eb548333="beanman25"]pm me if you want my referral link. the first five people who do so will be entered into a raffle for 200 dollars worth of gift cards.[/quote74eb548333]

So once you get your psp...then you'll make a raffle. And how ironic would it be if no one from this forums wins.


09-01-2006 15:03:10

its either you or someone from cheap ass gamer. Im not messing around


09-01-2006 15:05:38

[quote60e1dbd276="beanman25"]its either you or "someone" from cheap ass gamer. Im not messing around[/quote60e1dbd276]

Ya, how "Ironic" would it be if that "someone" wins.


09-01-2006 15:07:13

"ironic" indeed wink


09-01-2006 15:07:34

What about the ones who don't win? You have a TR of 0, so you'd have to go first somehow.


09-01-2006 15:09:14

Yep. Thems the rules.

I would LOVE to sign up under you with the reassurance that I would be entered in this FANTASTIC raffle....but raffles are for rich guys who drive SUVS and drink snapple. Not for a simple guy like me.


09-01-2006 15:11:25

If he is going first, how about we run the raffle first and then people sign up? )


09-01-2006 15:31:06

yeah sounds good to me ill enter in the raffle lmao


09-01-2006 15:37:39

fine just for doing it ill give you gmail invites thats really all i have


09-01-2006 15:40:28



09-01-2006 15:44:56

are u kidding me? That's like the best deal! Cuz like u know G-mail invites are worth $100.


09-01-2006 15:45:24

I know dude I will do 10 refs for a GMail invite!!!!!!!!11111111


09-01-2006 15:55:43

why not just give like 25$ for each person. That equals 125$ and makes everyone happy. Plus you get TR. You say you only have gmail invites yet you are offering 200$ for one person. Im sure people would rather get 25$ than have a 1 in 5 chance of getting 200$. Besides i know what you will do.

You will get the PSP than make up some random name on another forum so it will make it you look like you really did give it someone and you would get your psp for free. Nice try but we arent that stupid...


09-01-2006 16:55:14

well im not gonna do that. The offer still stands


09-01-2006 16:57:15

wat everyone is trying to say is noone is going to go first for a person with 0 TR you need to go first which is kinda hard considering you want to do a raffle.


09-01-2006 17:25:47

give the 200 to a mod and ahve him draw a name out


09-01-2006 17:41:02

[quote21acbbe717="Aurelius"]give the 200 to a mod and ahve him draw a name out[/quote21acbbe717]

That would work, but the thing with online raffles is someone could fix the raffle, you know?


09-01-2006 18:07:26

well i really need referrals. i dont wanna screw nobody, so any ideas of how i could gofirst


09-01-2006 18:14:55

Give the money to a mod. Let him draw the winner. I think any mod would be a fair judge.


09-01-2006 18:32:52

[quote0dbbc99692="VrExe"]Give the money to a mod. Let him draw the winner. I think any mod would be a fair judge.[/quote0dbbc99692]



09-01-2006 18:42:43

like how just pm for address?


09-01-2006 18:50:15

well that's what i meant. have a mod draw the name and have the mod also be holding the money. and you shoudl talk this over with a mod first


09-01-2006 20:22:16

have you tried offering $40 ($200/5) yet for a referrel?