Cash for ipods.freepay

Live forum:


25-12-2005 13:35:24

I need 3 more cats to complete this one......and I've been putting it off for MUCH too long now.

Im willing to shell out 25 bucks to anyone who hasnt signed up for it yet.

PM me with your best offer. We can work something out.


27-12-2005 09:40:47

Update! Im now 3 for 5 on ipods.freepay! And the offer still stands, I'll pay 30 bucks paypal to anyone who can complete an offer for me.

Im hopeful )


27-12-2005 10:32:10

Up that by $30 and pm me.


27-12-2005 10:35:16

Im not going any higher than 30. So if you thinking 60..sorry. Way too much for one refferal lol