Mr. ChEkO StIcK
21-12-2005 08:02:56
Hey i can need FlashiPods4free and can trade for some sites or take money offers.. PM me if interested.Hopefully ill go green on it soon because i did the aol one and need to go green for my offer..
21-12-2005 08:07:41
[quote4e44925499]b. Do not create a new post more than once per 3 days. Also, do not 'bump' your post more than once per 3 days. When the 3 days are up, you may choose to create a new thread, or bump an existing thread, but you cannot do both. [/quote4e44925499]

http//[" alt=""/img4e44925499]
Mr. ChEkO StIcK
21-12-2005 08:11:58
my bad please delete then