I want to start freepay cameras! Also paying for refs +BONUS

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=27973


06-12-2005 08:25:37

I am also willing to do someone's freepay digital camera if they can do any of the sites below. I want to start freepay digital camera asap =]

I am offering cash via paypal or neteller for the following refs.

$20 for get6friends.com (NEED 5 MORE)
$25 for games.pay-zero (Bingo Offer)[ZERO refs = Free xbox360 game!]
$15 for anygift4four (NEED 1 MORE)
$30 for NewVideoIpod4free (Bingo offer) (NEED 1 MORE)

BONUS!!! If you complete a trade with me, I will ALSO give you these

$99 valued ebook collection of over 200 ebooks, with FULL RESELL RIGHTS! You can copy descriptions given, and paste them on ebay and resell over and over to make money!

Also offering $1000 gift certificates to freegiftsamerica.com (online codes only) - Each online code is worth about 3$ on ebay.


09-12-2005 16:20:15

I love the 3 day rule!


12-12-2005 08:27:57

Looks like a good deal! I better PM you fast...