$10 for referrals to Get5Friends

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=27361


27-11-2005 20:28:54

Okay, I am willing to pay $10 for a confirmed green on Get5Friends. This is for the PSP that they have offered there.

If you are interested in doing so, post it on this topic, so that I can respond and let people know how many more refs I need, also my inbox is nearly full so it would really help out.

For the record, I need a total of 5 referrals and I will be paying by PayPal only.

I would prefer to have the referee to green prior to me paying, but if you have a higher TR than myself and insist upon something else, then I would be willing to deposit half ($5) into your account and the remaining $5 dollars will be deposited after you have gone green. I do this because the last person who scammed me on the A4F site was a member who has a 16 TR rating, so I would rather give myself some protection at the cost of being rude.

I will work on this in a first come, first serve fashion. So now, let the bidding begin! D


27-11-2005 20:31:48

you will probably have to pay more than $10. look what other people are paying....


27-11-2005 20:43:31

[quoted43ce70a28="cwncool"]you will probably have to pay more than $10. look what other people are paying....[/quoted43ce70a28]

And you should read the rules. See you back in 5 days.


27-11-2005 20:45:43

I understand your point and I know from experience that the amount some people pay for referrals can range from 10 - 20 dollars, depending on the trader.

I might consider the possibility of taking my price up by a few dollars, but that depends on the circumstances. Also, if there happens to be any kind of OOD, I would be more than open to discussing a pay increase to compensate for the OOD.

Feel free to post here or PM me if you would be interested, but I am running this offer here and on A4F, so I will be running this on a first come first serve basis based on the time i received your first contact about this site.