Need 2 referrals for to cover 2 scammers

Live forum:


20-11-2005 19:53:19

I need to get 2 referrals for Two of the 3 referrals I have are turning out to be scammers and I could really use 2 people to cover them.

Please post here with questions and I will get back to you asap.

Since I am new here, I will go first for members who have a higher trade status than myself. Also, I would prefer trading with people with a TR of 7 or higher.


20-11-2005 19:54:34

What sites can you do? or is this paying only?


20-11-2005 19:58:49

I've had a good experience with Johnston at another forum.


20-11-2005 20:14:53

I can do that site, what are the offers?
Can you do get6friends or flashipods4free?


20-11-2005 20:17:54

I'm only doing trades, I can't afford to pay anyone to do sites at the moment.

The sites I can do are
-All GiftFiesta sites, except PSP, Preorder, Xbox360, and iPod Video
-OrderMore4Free, OrderPCs4Free
-FreeDigitalCameras, FreeiPodShuffles, FreeHandBags
-Shamel Network (if anyone needs it)

PM me/post with other/misc. site questions.


20-11-2005 20:32:30

darn. free bump tho


21-11-2005 10:14:46

If there is anyone out there who would not mind doing a 1 TO 1 TRADE for this site, please PM me or post here.

This site requires 2 offers to be completed, though the offers are not unlike the 1/2 credit ones on some sites. In fact, I have found that at least one of the offers on my site is actually a 1/2 credit offer at another site.

I would really, really like to get to have this site completed already and I would, if it weren't for those 2 scammers and some money issues, but I would greatly appreciate anyone who could help me with this site. Thank you.