16-11-2005 07:14:32
I'll sign up for your site and do a bingo offer if it works via neteller. We have to work out a deal though. My neteller account is if you pay the deposite through neteller and then some through paypal or whatever we can have a deal. I only have 7 TR but i've done this with casino sites, with respected people. So pay the deposite up front and when i go green...the rest to me. I know some people are desparte for some referrals...and i saw that some of my OC sites have the bingo offer so someone is looking for a OOD. Let me know.
I also want to comment that you have to have the cash in your neteller account, it takes 5 days for instacash to clear now
JetBingo - Taken by hkartadi for http//
CafeBingo - Taken on http//
Bingo Cabin - Taken on http//
InstantBingoRoom - Taken on http//
All other bingo offers are free game people!!!!
16-11-2005 11:26:29
You can use any Debit/credit card with jetbingo or bingo cabin. I'll pay you $32 for FreeGadgets4me, a site that gives $75 for one ref!
16-11-2005 11:29:21
I've heard people get bad outcomes if they don't use that is what i use and have done good in the past with neteller
BingCafe is now taken
JetBingo might be taken....
16-11-2005 18:44:49
That's a bunch of crap man. These sites credit instantly! Look in the Brag bag for proof. I promise you that using a debit or credit card will work. My offer still stands.
16-11-2005 23:54:34
If you pay with CC for any of these Bingo offers, then you don't get the 100% signup bonus.
17-11-2005 09:20:32
[quoteccdcf935c6="theysayjump"]If you pay with CC for any of these Bingo offers, then you don't get the 100% signup bonus.[/quoteccdcf935c6]
I guess thats another plus for me using neteller....
17-11-2005 10:48:27
Actually that's a minus. You get 100% with a CC or DC not netteller. I got mine. I forgot to mention that. When you deposit that $20 turns into $40. ^_^ Come on, go for it. You don't even have to cancel anything. Take my advice and don't get into neteler or firepay..
17-11-2005 10:51:56
Low on cash on the CC thats out of the question
18-11-2005 18:09:20
i have seen these bingo offers on a couple sites, but with notes that you HAVE to use neteller. is that required to get credit?
like on nanoipod4free
18-11-2005 18:14:15
I'm not sure why it states that, and its got me wondering =\
Neteller / firepay are way better for online gaming than CC's becuase most reputable banks (including mine) reject game transactions.
19-11-2005 10:15:00
[quote1505e525c4="damac"]i have seen these bingo offers on a couple sites, but with notes that you HAVE to use neteller. is that required to get credit?
like on nanoipod4free[/quote1505e525c4]
Well i know with the casino offers...sometimes the CC thing messes up but I know that all my transactions with people here with neteller have gone real smooth )
23-11-2005 21:00:30
You can only BUMP or create a new thread, not both. shrug