$20 for referrals

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=25844


06-11-2005 20:35:15

If you can do any of the following offers and would like an easy $20 PM or AIM me.

digital camera
mac mini




07-11-2005 03:08:43

Hi ya noob. You need to read the rules about properly posting. Since you are a NOOB, you need to state on your thread that since you are a NOOB with 0 TR you will go first in a trade. I'd fix your thread cause you might get banned if you don't.


07-11-2005 05:21:49

the guy above is a WANNABE mod.


07-11-2005 09:22:39

I may be a "noob" but I figured a "vet" like yourself would understand that such rules as lower tr goes first are just understood. i didn't see the need to type that. but if it helps you sleep at night....I go first

anyways I'm not so sure about this forum, I've made two trades and I'm pretty sure I got screwed on the first one and the second is yet to come through.

If you guys want a better, more reliable way to get referrals, ask me about posting your links on my site, www.freeipodspost.com


07-11-2005 09:36:48

btones; please read the rules. I locked your other thread as you can only make one thread or BUMP an existing thread in the Trading Post once within any 5 day period.

If you make anymore within the next 5 days then you will receive a temp-ban.