Need greens for freepay ipods, can trade for almost anything

Live forum:


19-10-2005 21:26:49


I'm a newbie, and I need some greens big time! I'm only interested in getting ipod greens for my freepay account. I've been trying for a long time to get signatures, but haven't had too much luck.

I can trade for any offer except for the ipod, ipod shuffle, and minimac offers from Freepay, and for FreeOCX prizes. I CAN DO ANYTHING ELSE! Email or PM me if interested, and I will gladly trade.

Or, PM me your best offer, and I'll pay money thru paypal if you get me a green.

PLEEEEEEEEEZ HELP ME OUT! I promise to stay in contact with you, and make sure we both go yellow before we go green and all that to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING WORKS SMOOTHLY. Thank you very much, all help is appreciated!


19-10-2005 21:32:27

you do know that the rules state that lower tr would have to go first....


19-10-2005 21:35:15

what is lower tr?


19-10-2005 21:38:26

OH, I see, trade record... MAN, I really am a noob.... I WILL BE THE FIRST TO DO THE OFFER, I'LL GIVE YOU THE GREEN FIRST.