35$ via paypal for freeipods.com referals.

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=22661


22-09-2005 20:27:28

My AIM screen name is XSniper666X1.
Contact me if you want to complete an offer and I will send you 35$ instantly via paypal.


22-09-2005 20:28:51

Odd... are you that fucker that installed that keylogger onto my computer last August? Cuz you got the same name as him, live in the same state and city, and have the same Sniper shit.


22-09-2005 20:32:29

um no. I didnt even have this screen name last august. I got it last month.


22-09-2005 21:20:44

i'm interested in this but i can't do for another hour or so since i'm shifting passwords on a lot of stuff right now but if you can hold a spot for me i'd be glad to do it as soon as possible.


25-09-2005 21:33:50

tried to scam me 8) nty

i told him i did my offer and since it says it takes 2-3 days to green he says okay i'll pay you tomorow (tomorrow was sat.) and now he's blocked my aim and everytime i message him with another he blocks it again.

gg no ref


26-09-2005 06:19:11

you have higher tr, he should have paid you first