$$$Will pay for Giftfiesta or trade$$$(CLOSED)

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=22373


19-09-2005 19:14:39

I need one referral for ipodnano.giftfiesta. This site only requires 3 refferals and each person needs to do [bae8b527339]2 offers [/bae8b527339] (They have some easy offers)in order to get credit. I am paying $25 dollars for anybody who does this site. I can also trade. Lower TR goes first. All rules apply.

CANT DO[/colorae8b527339]
Freepay (except Ipod Nano)
No poker websites

CAN DO[/colorae8b527339]
Freepay Ipod Nano
Any other legitimate site.


19-09-2005 20:06:29

sorry, mistake post...I did not see users karma before i posted.


19-09-2005 20:08:55

the karma isnt a factor, its the the TR that counts.