Newbie needing a few referrals!

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12-09-2005 08:19:40

hello -

i'm a newbie here, and just needing a few (3) referrals to get a free IPOD Color at

if anyone can help me out - or i can trade referrals with someone, please let me know

let's get some free stuff!


12-09-2005 09:38:48

I will trade referalls with you. I need one for my freePsP. AIM me or email me!


12-09-2005 11:37:39

you 2 should NOT trade with each other if you want to be credited + TR for doing so. its advised to only trade with with people who have +2TR and above.

also the original poster has to state that he will go 1st for people with a higher TR than himself.


12-09-2005 20:30:30

i will go first for people who have higher TR than i

also, is there anyone out there with +2TR that can trade with my freeipods referral?

let me know


12-09-2005 20:31:32

[quote914dec7943="theysayjump"]you 2 should NOT trade with each other if you want to be credited + TR for doing so. its advised to only trade with with people who have +2TR and above.

also the original poster has to state that he will go 1st for people with a higher TR than himself.[/quote914dec7943] lol your hilarious dude.


12-09-2005 21:49:36

ANYBODY with +2TR can help a man out??


12-09-2005 22:12:50

not with freeipods, those are usually 2 for 1's


12-09-2005 22:48:01

PM sent.