Looking to freeipodnanos4free (OC SITE)

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=21683


11-09-2005 13:44:23

List your price of so i can signup under you....
[bf6c4059b0f]here heard it has good offers....[/bf6c4059b0f]


11-09-2005 13:54:03

List the current offers, hmm?
Becuase its a new site, I'm sure that the OOD aren't showing yet, so I could probably help you out.


11-09-2005 14:01:51

I wanna signup to the site,btw guys...heard it has good offers though


11-09-2005 14:31:18

Please read the rules. You already have a thread in the trading post you made yesterday or the day before. You can only create one thread in the trading post or bump an exsisting thread every 5 days.
