TRADING - still open for those interested
01-09-2005 19:44:57
hey, - i'm still open for trading, although it may be a little slow going, for i have had many troubles, but i did complete a few more and am looking to become more like a regular trader here...
i can do a lot of sites - the ones I [b3801285dff]can't[/b3801285dff][/color3801285dff] or [b3801285dff]CAN[/b3801285dff][/color3801285dff] do are listed below
[u3801285dff][b3801285dff]CAN'T DO - "for now"[/b3801285dff][/u3801285dff][/color3801285dff]
OC sites - never again, so [b3801285dff]DON'T ASK[/b3801285dff][/color3801285dff]
also sites of which i will be expected to do any "OFFERS OF DOOM!!!"
[u3801285dff][b3801285dff]CAN DO[/b3801285dff][/u3801285dff][/color3801285dff]
any site NOT listed above!!
including new sites and FREEIPODNANOS
[b3801285dff]SITES I NEED[/color3801285dff][/b3801285dff] - are willing to trade for [P][T] (top priority) [T]
others, - ask me
[T] = available for trading
[P] = willing to give PAYPAL for
also - if the trading game really isn't your thing, i'd be happy to pay you paypal for a green in any of the "sites I need" category with a [P] icon next to it - (contact me to negotiate price)
I currently am NOT[/color3801285dff] accepting paypal for any sites - sorry
If i have left you in the dark about any aspect of my availability -
please contact me via PM or AIM
if you wish to TRADE with me, do the same... (I DO NOT initiate trades through AIM - please PM me)
ALSO - [u3801285dff]please do not[/u3801285dff] contact me unless you intend to trade with me or accept paypal for my NEEDED SITES - the little time I have is valuable to me and I don't have time to sort through needless PMs
thank you for your time and interest -
P.S. This offer WILL CHANGE periodically, so be sure to check back to see if your site has opened up - maximum of one bump per five days will be made to this topic by me
note established traders with a higher TR than me - ["I will go first" 8) - Vash] - but i will not tolerate impatience in trading - please bear with me!
01-09-2005 19:51:26
02-09-2005 13:30:48
02-09-2005 14:07:49
If you haven't yet please read the rules you need to say you will go first for established traders
02-09-2005 17:03:19
02-09-2005 20:27:18
02-09-2005 20:38:13
Its not my fault you can't follow the rules noob
02-09-2005 20:47:56
sorry dude - i dodn't mean to upset you or anything, but its just so obvious now, that everyone just assumes that everybody knows that rule by now; it just makes sense that noobs would have to go first - sorry for being impolite
02-09-2005 20:51:20
[quote476c985a05="PoPoJiJo"]Its not my fault you can't follow the rules noob[/quote476c985a05]
We were all there at one point in time.
02-09-2005 20:52:27
[quote12fd3010d6="VashTheStampede"]we can argue as long as you want - it ain't hurting me any
...[[[wanna-be moderator]]]...[/quote12fd3010d6]
....yeah when you get as many posts as me thats what your rank is you stupid ass
cheers though really
02-09-2005 20:53:32
[quotebc3c719f12="theclownoftightness"][quotebc3c719f12="PoPoJiJo"]Its not my fault you can't follow the rules noob[/quotebc3c719f12]
We were all there at one point in time.[/quotebc3c719f12]
No I can read and follow directions )
02-09-2005 20:58:16
oh - and if you read the rules, they specifically prohibit profanity - i think i'll have to report you on that- roll
02-09-2005 21:04:05
ok enough with the with the bickering.
just keep to the trade at hand ok?
02-09-2005 21:07:50
aye aye cap'n ) [absolutely NO disrespect intended - just acknoweledging]
02-09-2005 21:10:02
ok jump
oh and please dont report me im very scared of that shit, fuckin tits
02-09-2005 21:11:30
02-09-2005 21:12:32
[quotebedd4cc635="PoPoJiJo"]ok jump
oh and please dont report me im very scared of that shit, fuckin tits[/quotebedd4cc635]
LOL - ok - ok - i apologise - and will change the note
08-09-2005 14:19:44
yo - check out the new stuff in the main post (BUMP)
12-09-2005 18:07:37
bump #2 - got a quick poll for y'all
12-09-2005 18:15:57
12-09-2005 18:36:46
[quote1cc91c22ca="VashTheStampede"]bump #2 - got a quick poll for y'all[/quote1cc91c22ca]
stop being cute. No retarded polls to give you a bump be smarter than that you idiot.
12-09-2005 18:39:11
13-09-2005 13:10:26
[quotef81f0a49c5="good2speed"][quotef81f0a49c5="VashTheStampede"]bump #2 - got a quick poll for y'all[/quotef81f0a49c5]
stop being cute. No retarded polls to give you a bump be smarter than that you idiot.[/quotef81f0a49c5]
umm - unless you intend to trade with me, please keep your comments to yourself - I did nothing to provoke you to a bitter rage roll - and there's no rule against it, i just want to know what people think of it
P.S. I INTENDED people to know it was a bump, genius ?
13-09-2005 14:19:41
ok ok ok.......ill let it go since you were only a day out, but next time wait the 5 days please ok? you only waited 4 wink
[quote5fb9b1f8fb="PoPoJiJo"]ok jump
oh and please dont report me im very scared of that shit, fuckin tits[/quote5fb9b1f8fb]
your new sig wink , just bc i like yo

http//[" alt=""/img5fb9b1f8fb]
13-09-2005 15:00:35
[quote6bd499fe39="Pete"][quote6bd499fe39="PoPoJiJo"]ok jump
oh and please dont report me im very scared of that shit, fuckin tits[/quote6bd499fe39]
your new sig wink , just bc i like yo

http//[" alt=""/img6bd499fe39][/quote6bd499fe39]
ok - now THATS funny! D D D lol lol lol
[quote6bd499fe39="theysayjump"]ok ok ok.......ill let it go since you were only a day out, but next time wait the 5 days please ok? you only waited 4 wink[/quote6bd499fe39]
ok dude - (sorry - i guess my math skills just left me for a second - they do that sometimes 8) ? lol
13-09-2005 16:13:31
Why are half of these people posting like little girls that are going through their period -\
13-09-2005 16:57:27
[quoteafd0c4bb7d="Pete"][quoteafd0c4bb7d="PoPoJiJo"]ok jump
oh and please dont report me im very scared of that shit, fuckin tits[/quoteafd0c4bb7d]
your new sig wink , just bc i like yo

http//[" alt=""/imgafd0c4bb7d][/quoteafd0c4bb7d]
dude thats "fucking" awesome def going to use it
13-09-2005 17:19:48
[quote79db7fca04="Exile"]Why are half of these people posting like little girls that are going through their period -\[/quote79db7fca04]
[quote79db7fca04="Exile's Signiature"]I wish I were[/quote79db7fca04]
I rest my case 8) D
[[(I kill me lol )]]
14-09-2005 07:55:34
20-09-2005 14:09:24
BUMP - 6 days - that makes up for the early one last time 8)